In 2021, our team flew up north to support one of our long term clients to deliver major access road and bridge infrastructure at a WA mine site. 

Our state’s mining and resources sector is an important contributor to not only our economy and community but also through their investment in important road infrastructure and transport solutions that allow all of us to travel and do business better, faster and safer. 

So our team was very happy to be able to – and always – provide this support and expertise to their water storage solutions, transfer and pumping projects. 

AMG’s Water Storage Solution 

At this mine site, we provided a remote and enclosed 1ML water storage solutions with a standpipe fill station.

Independent water bladders are linked to a standpipe package including the AMG Safe Start system, enabling the water cart operators to complete fast fills from the comfort of their cabins eliminating the need to climb in and out of their vehicles. 

Our Managing Director commented on the importance of this seemingly simple benefit, saying “The ability to reduce climbing in and out of vehicles at these sites is something all operators are very grateful for in the extreme heat of summer, and of course on those very wet and cold winter mornings.” 

Ongoing water storage solution

Our team was involved from the early days of project planning to assist with concept design and identifying site locations to best suit our clients’ operation.  

Once the design was approved, the AMG projects team prepared, delivered, installed and completed the system commissioning within a very short timeframe.

To this day, we are providing the ongoing monitoring and expert technical support for this water storage solution.

Get in touch for your next water project

If we can help you with your water transfer and pumping please get in touch. Our team is always happy to have a chat and talk through how our truly integrated approach to projects can support you and your business. 

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