Water Services Solutions

Operational Project Audits

An assessment of existing third-party ‘live’ installations.

Sometimes, it’s beneficial to get an independent assessment of an existing ‘live’ working environment, particularly if you have concerns over how things are performing.

Our audits are very practical in the way we go about assessing activities based onsite, particularly when it comes to more complex environments.

We can carry out a thorough end-to-end audit of process and systems, assets and equipment, components and existing integrations. We’re experience in all facets on onsite working, understanding that sometimes permits and permissions are required  and environmental considerations are fully met.

We are often asked to conduct an audit where existing automation has been setup, and concerns exist as to whether improvements could be made or whether the initial setup was fit-for-purpose.

Whatever concerns you may have whilst projects are ‘live’, we can try help ensure that your solution is operating as efficiently as it possibly can. If it isn’t, we can make recommendation to put things right.

Bore Sustainable Yield Assessment